About my story

Hi! My name is Sophie Bridge and I’m a writer/interior designer from Los Angeles. I grew up in a small town in Ohio, up until I decided to move to LA for my career. I have a large family, and most of my relatives are working in the real estate industry. I think that would explain my interest in the field as well. Other than this, I am also extremely fond of writing and horseback riding. There was a period in my life when I wanted to become a writer. And following that passion, I ended up writing blogs for various company websites. That made me realize that writing can be so expressive and that it would be a good idea to use my skill for me personally. Hence, this blog came into existence.

In my opinion, the real estate industry can be extremely daunting to someone who has not had any prior experience. This blog site is an attempt to make the process a little easier for those people. Other than that, it could be useful to someone just looking to read out of interest as well. So, stay a while, and take a look around. Good day to you!

my blog

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